I still have several near death experience stories but, I would like to go to another psychic dimension –dreams.
There are several books that interpret the meaning of dreams. I have one in my link.
Bible and other great books of historical related stories that showed substantial beliefs that dreams had prophetic values like Joseph’s interpretation of 7 fat and 7 lean cows.
It is difficult to interpret dreams because one has to know the physical condition of the dreamer at the time he was on a sleep stage. An uncomfortable sleeping position can cause nightmare or upsetting dreams.
Prophetic are different from warning dreams. The first type of dreams brings messages that ARE PERTAINING TO THE FUTURE; something that range from prophecies involving the world to or precognition of events that may apply to anyone.
Warning dreams are scenes portrayed that may or may not happen since they can be averted under some certain conditions. Like, if one dreams about a terrible accident in a car, the dreamer should avoid driving or long trips by car for a few days.
Majority of the prophetic dreams however do not need to be interpreted by the dreamer. They are more like receiving a message in an unconscious state and expect it to happen during conscious state the way it has been dreamed.
Some people attribute this “premonition” to evil but it is not. If one believes in Divine Presence, then he will believe that built-in warning device mechanisms are provided to every finished product that come from HIS factory.
Days before my friend had a car accident in
The dream could be related to his anxiety of surviving the crises he was undergoing.The dark road could be interpreted to mean hopelessness in the future and the car accident was a death wish.
BUT dreams about accidents and sickness will most likely happen. A philosopher once wrote that dreams and visions are infused into men for their advantage and instruction.
I advised him to stay indoor. He was a person who believed that the meaning of dreams is the exact opposite.
He had a money problem. He was of the opinion that the casino was the solution.He was living in style that his cards were maxed. His personal credit was up to his neck. He got a two bedroom condo and a BMW in
Ignoring my advise, together with a friend, he made a long drive to
He remembered the light from above from his dream. He looked up and saw the sunroof. Big and wide enough to squeeze his petite body. From there, he signalled to the passers-by by means of his small flashlights.
The rescue came in less than an hour. He was freezing and his friend was in a shock. He remembered my advice.
I told him that accidents and other calamities do not come in disguises and symbols.
If a dream did not transpire, it did not mean, it had to be dismissed as foolish.
Sometimes, people close to the dreamers must have offered prayers for the safety of the dreamer. They may not have the knowledge of the dream but they might have received a hunch. Kutob or kaba ng dibdib.
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