Remote viewing
Remote viewing is the alleged psychic ability to perceive places, persons and actions that are not within the range of the senses. Instead of a twig or other device, one uses psychic power alone to dowse the entire galaxy, if need be, for whatever one wants: oil, mountains on Jupiter, a lost child, a buried body, a hostage site thousands of miles away, inside the Pentagon or the Kremlin, etc.
I did not know the term used for this extrasensory power when I met a man with this incredible gift.
During her visit from US, my mom asked me to go with her in her hometown to check out some properties that she inherited from my grandparents. It was a coconut plantation. We did not care much about it that it was my cousins who enjoyed the fruits of the land.
To reach the island where a cousin-caretaker lived, we had to travel by water.It was in this motorboat where realized I made some connections with the middle-aged man who was also a psychic.Psychic connections exist everywhere that it seems there are magnetic forces that draw you to each other.
He did not know me, I did not know him not until that time that I saw him talking to a priest.
“Sometimes, I get scared, Father that these spirits that possess my body are evil.” Obviously alarmed, he asked the priest in a civilian clothes.
“Don’t you know how?” the priest said in a soft voice, hardly inaudible.
“ How do I know, father ?” the man asked back.
“Can you not tell apart the way they take over your body?” the priest continued.
He said that when possessions come very strongly, he knew that they are coming from troubled spirits. Crises of all kinds carry a strong emotional charge and therefore transmit louder signals.
I approached him, hoping to learn more from him. He was natural. He did not get his gift from books or from seminars.
He was glad to tell me how it started if I would visit his place where he had more time to have a chat.He said that he thought we were from the same “planet”.
So that night, after taking a shower from an improvised bamboo pipes that brought water from a spring up the mountain to my cousin’s “banyo”, I decided to see my new psychic friend.
I can’t tell whether it was the spring water that made me feel refreshed and invigorated or the anticipation that I would talk to an interesting person.
The village lies on the lip of the small island fringed with coconut trees. Small nipa huts dotted the long stretch of land that culminates to the shore ending in a wooded promontory.
Except for the some lights from the windows of houses, the place was totally in darkness.No electricity.
I timed my walk from my cousin’s to his house, it was mere fifteen minutes. He must be expecting me. I did not have to announce my presence by the traditional greeting of “Tao po” to hear his welcome.
Their house was enveloped by darkness too. I stopped momentarily at the doorway. Except for the kerosene lamp, nothing illuminated the family’s one -room house.
He invited me inside.I stretched out my hand to shake his as a sign of greeting. The old woman gestured that he would not see me. Indeed, his eyes were closed. But she was wrong, he grasped my hand and asked me to sit down on the floor. His eyes were still closed. He told me stories about his experience. But for this article, I would like to focus in one of his gifts, the remote viewing.
He described to me our house in
He had not been to
But his remote viewing was unbelievable. Something that I realized I had when I was in
In one of our travels to that country, we were met by our host in the hotel where my lady-lawyer-friend and I were billeted for our stay.
Our itinerary for that day was to go to the host’s office before we visit some batik factories.
My friend asked me to view how his office looked like. Just for curiosity.
Simply amazing to see those blue tiles in the hallway of the building and the odd shapes on the walls. Colors and shapes seemed easy to pick up in the remote viewing. Try it.
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