Telepathy ?
Last night, I watched THOUGHTCRIMES. The central figure of the story is a young lady who is endowed with ability to hear what other people think. Her role is that of a telepath. I refused to use the word mind reading as used in the movie because reading mind is not a psychic phenomenon. People who claim that they can read minds are called mentalists.Most of them are entertainers.
The story began when she was a state ward in a mental institution for three years, totally abandoned by her sibling,declared to be suffering from insanity by the attending doctors.
It was not clear to me how the NSA people got interested in her because of her psychic ability. Like most of the people who realized that they have the gift, her first impulse was to reject it. Without proper guidance, a person may not be able to use the special powers to good advantage. A doctor assumed that role of helping her harness her talent.
In this movie- made- for TV, the reluctant psychic was used by the NSA to track the mastermind of an organized crime syndicate that is involved in money laundering, terrorism, assassinations and other crimes that threaten the security of USA. Manila was mentioned in relation to terrorists’ training as well as money laundering activities of the syndicate.
Her role is to listen to the suspects being interrogated. Her mind operates like a lie detector test. She tells her partner if the suspect is telling a lie or not.At the end she tells him what the suspect is really thinking.
I hope there is really an individual who has that great ability so that terrorists can be annihilated before they sow terror, murderers and criminals could be locked up before they have another murderous rampage and crooked government officials and politicians would never get into public service.
It is not because I do not believe on telepathy because am convinced that I am a telepath myself. It was the way a telepath was presented as a super being that I was not comfortable with. Psychics may be special people but they are not supermen.
What is telepathy ?
"Telepathy"was coined in 1882 by Frederic Myers , a French physical researcher who founded the Society for Physical Research. The word is derived from the Greek terms tele ( "distant") and pathe ("occurrence" or "feeling").
This psychic phenomenon is a communication that occurs between minds that includes thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images.
Various theories have been advanced to describe the functioning of telepathy. To explain telepathy, the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus put forth the wave and corpuscle theories. In the 19 century, British chemist and physicist William Crookes, thought telepathy rode on radio- like brain waves while Soviet scientist L. L. Vasilies proposed the electromagnetic theory.
Psychologists and psychiatrists observed this phenomenon in their patients that they offered explanations for the extrasensory experience.
Sigmund Fraud termed it as regressive, primitive faculty that was lost in the course of evolution, but which still had the ability to manifest itself under certain conditions. Psychiatrist Carl G. Jung considered it a function of synchronicity.
Among the psychic phenomena,telepathy was the first to be studied scientifically by the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) which was founded in 1885.
It was a simple test of requiring a sender in one room to transmit a two-digit number, a taste, or a visual image to a receiver in another room.
As interest in telepathy increased, mass telepathic experiments were undertaken in the United States and Britain.
In 1971, a telepathic experiment was conducted during the Apollo 14 mission. The NASA denied that it was authorized. Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell conducted the experiment with four recipients on Earth, 150,000 miles below. Mitchell transmitted the sequences of twenty-five random numbers telepathically. With a goal of 40 correct responses out of 200 sequences, the 51 correct guesses were found to be significant to prove distance is not a barrier for telepathy. Personally, I agree with one writer that telepathy is a faculty that everyone may have deeply embedded within their minds. Some are capable of being good senders or good receivers especially between people who know each other or are emotionally close to each other.
Husbands and wives or good friends manage to communicate without words—spoken words.
Telepathy may be difficult to test but many have enough evidence to substantiate its existence.
For instance, you have a sudden thought of a friend and she suddenly thinks of you and gives you a call.
Sometines, the message is in a form of an image, emotions or ideas that could serve as a warning, a simple hello or goodbye.
My mother was a telepath. There were various incidences in our lives when she manifested this extrasensory power.
One morning, she was busy preparing breakfast when she suddenly directed her gaze at the main door. She gasped and called the name of my elder brother who was expected to come anytime.
With quivering voice, she said that she saw my brother standing,soaking wet and telling my mom that the ship sunk.
There was no one at the door. She said that it was just a vision. It hardly lasted for a minute. As always, my mother knelt and prayed for his safety.
Before we can make inquiries, my brother arrived, safe and sound. According to him, at the time my mother saw the vision, he was clinging for his life to a debris floating in the ocean and was thinking of how to communicate with us.
He was among those who were rescued without physical injury.
Some people may call it mother's hunch, while other may call it clairvoyance.
I still think it was telepathy because my brother sent the message and my mother received it.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Fairy Tale ?

This story happened in our village in Tandang Sora, Quezon City a few years back, when a man who was considered legally deceased came back and disappeared again.
This is his story.
Carlos at 29 years old had everything anyone could ever want. Good looks, youth,stable job and a successful career that placed him in a position of envy among his peers.
He had no known girl friend although he dated a lot of beautiful girls. It seemed he would like to enjoy his bachelorhood to the fullest. He was fond of night outs. The guards at the gate were already used to his nocturnal adventures and that night was no different when they saw his car entered the gate at wee hour in the morning of Saturday.
Carlos was a few yards away from their house when he saw a small figure ahead, on the side of the road. It was the boy of the village laundrywoman. The poor family lived in a makeshift house at the far end of the village where trees and thick foliage made it look like a small forest.
Recognizing the boy, he swerved off the road and coming to a sudden stop, he rolled down his window.
He asked the boy what he needed. The boy’s voice was filled with anxiety and Carlos thought he was going to cry any moment.
It was his mother. She was in pain when he left her to ask for help.
Carlos paused a moment, considering that next day was a Sunday, decided to help by bringing the woman to a physician. He asked the boy to climb into the car.
There was no paved road leading to the hut of the boy. No electric posts either. It was dark, so he asked for the boy’s directions.
They stopped in front of a small house near a very tall balite tree. He climbed out of his car while watching the boy run and disappeared from his view.
He made his way to the hut where he saw a small light that he thought was too bright coming from a candle.
The boy was nowhere to be found. A table in the middle of the hut was laden with food; black rice, white rice, fruits such as grapes ?, mandarins, apples and peaches--fruits that only moneyed people can afford to put on their tables. At the end of the table were wines and a jug of swirling water.
But that was supposed to be a hut of a family with no means.
Then a beautiful lady appeared. She was apologetic in abducting him by impersonating the boy he knew.
Suddenly, Carlos began to think some of the obviosuly strange details surounding the boy's appearance and the long trip they made to reach the hut.
The lady offered him the black rice. Remembering some stories that he did not believe when was younger, he did not accept the food. He did not know exactly what was bad about eating the black rice and drinking from the swirling water.
Upon his refusal, the parents of the lady made their appearances too. They made a proposal for him to marry their daughter.
At that instant, the surroundings changed. It was no longer a hut but a palatial home. The trees were gone and instead a community existing in another dimension materialized .
He could not do anything. He did not know how to go back. The wedding was solemnized in their own way of conducting marriage.
The bride also wore a bridal gown. Something was unique however in the ceremony. The groom had to carry the bride on his shoulders.
After their marriage, he asked for permission to visit his family to inform his parents of his disappearance but with the thought of not coming back.
His wish was granted. He was made to sleep and when he woke up, he fell off from the balite tree.
He did not find his car where he left it, so he walked.
Surprised by the change in their house overnight that he was gone, he asked a young lady standing infront of a newly painted fence. It could not be his sister. She was just a 14 year old girl last night. How could she had grown to a full woman during his absence?
The sister recognized her and called their parents.
He was gone for five years and nothing had changed in his youthful look. His car was found in a moutainside hundreds of kilometers away from the city. It was cannibalized that only the body frame remained intact. The guards that night recorded his entry but there was no record that he left again during that early morning of Saturday.
The parents could not believe his story but they still sought the help of a priest to prevent him from going back.
Carlos thought that it was easy to leave that other realm. The wife came and started stalking him. The parents and relatives could not see her but they found the grapes that she threw to Carlos.
They would see him talking to someone whom they did not see. He never lived a nornal life again.
He lost his enthusiasm to live that he practically became a recluse until he disappeared again.
The family said that the son was sending messages from the other dimension. He got already kids and he decided to stay there for good.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I LOVE YOU- I can hear dead people
I love you
Dear Mouse,
At times, the psychic dream may not concern the dreamer at all. Sometimes the principal of the dream is not even known to the dreamer. The dreams may come also in spurts. That is, they come in installments. Some say, may karugtong.
My chair at home is not only the swivel model but it is also a high back chair, I can sleep 40 winks while taking a break from the computer.
It was at this moment when I had a dream.
In the short dream, an old man appeared and introduced himself to me. He told me his full name. Strange, I, who have a hard time remembering names in my lucid moments, was able to recall the first and the last names when I woke up.
My IM sounded. It was a friend who was among those in the cyber world who offered condolences when my mom died. We had been chatting thru Ims since he lives in another State.
He was with a sister who was diagnosed with cancer. There was already a second opinion. Next day, he said, they were going to a healer since the doctors gave her only a few weeks to live. They hoped they can find an alternative cure.
I mentioned to him about my dream and the name of the old man. He said he knew a person by that name but he had long been dead. He was his godfather and a close friend of his father. He was curious what was dream about. I told him, he did not say anything but his name. We chatted for another hour, talking mostly about the signs and the expectations from a person who is sick of the deadly C.
It was close to midnight and we both signed off after assuring each other of updates in the next conversation.
I fell asleep the moment, I hit the bed. Then the dream, part 2. There was the old man. It seems the discarnates find it easier to make contact with people in the sleep state.
He had somebody with him who was quiet and he appeared to be in grief. The old man asked me a favor. “Yes”, was my response,even though, I did not know what it was going to be.
Introducing the man who was with him, he asked me if I can relay the request to the daughter. “Who was the daughter”, I asked?
I had already the gut feeling who he was referring to. Strange, he did not mention the name but it seemed, I heard it.
“ But why, I asked.” “Why doesn’t he just approach her and hug her.”
He is a spirit and he could just step in in her room without she knowing it. He could touch her if he liked.
Hearing the old man explained the situation, made me realize, how an unforgiving nature of a man affects the loved ones who have already left this world.
According to the old man, years before his friend died, he did not sit well with the daughter. They may meet during family gathering but there was the chasm between them that there was practically zero communication.
He was a man who had not demonstrated his love for children by means of hugs and expressions of love such as I love you. For him, it was a symbol of weakness. He belonged to the old school where fathers were supposed to be few in words. Words that became unwritten laws that needed to be respected regardless if they were unfair and restrictive.
In the evening, I was excited to talk with my friend. I told him everything. He was quiet at first. I asked how was the visit to the healer.
The healer did not say anyting about the C. He talked more about FORGIVENESS too.
My friend confirmed to me everything in the dream. That was exactly what the healer wanted. Forgive.
Part three dream happened when I went to bed after the talk. I saw a room and a bed. The door opened and came a a shadow of an old man. I coaxed him to enter. He did. He went near the bed and lovingly looked at the figure lying there sick. He said I LOVE YOU and touched her.
A few days after, she died.
Dear Mouse,
At times, the psychic dream may not concern the dreamer at all. Sometimes the principal of the dream is not even known to the dreamer. The dreams may come also in spurts. That is, they come in installments. Some say, may karugtong.
My chair at home is not only the swivel model but it is also a high back chair, I can sleep 40 winks while taking a break from the computer.
It was at this moment when I had a dream.
In the short dream, an old man appeared and introduced himself to me. He told me his full name. Strange, I, who have a hard time remembering names in my lucid moments, was able to recall the first and the last names when I woke up.
My IM sounded. It was a friend who was among those in the cyber world who offered condolences when my mom died. We had been chatting thru Ims since he lives in another State.
He was with a sister who was diagnosed with cancer. There was already a second opinion. Next day, he said, they were going to a healer since the doctors gave her only a few weeks to live. They hoped they can find an alternative cure.
I mentioned to him about my dream and the name of the old man. He said he knew a person by that name but he had long been dead. He was his godfather and a close friend of his father. He was curious what was dream about. I told him, he did not say anything but his name. We chatted for another hour, talking mostly about the signs and the expectations from a person who is sick of the deadly C.
It was close to midnight and we both signed off after assuring each other of updates in the next conversation.
I fell asleep the moment, I hit the bed. Then the dream, part 2. There was the old man. It seems the discarnates find it easier to make contact with people in the sleep state.
He had somebody with him who was quiet and he appeared to be in grief. The old man asked me a favor. “Yes”, was my response,even though, I did not know what it was going to be.
Introducing the man who was with him, he asked me if I can relay the request to the daughter. “Who was the daughter”, I asked?
I had already the gut feeling who he was referring to. Strange, he did not mention the name but it seemed, I heard it.
“ But why, I asked.” “Why doesn’t he just approach her and hug her.”
He is a spirit and he could just step in in her room without she knowing it. He could touch her if he liked.
Hearing the old man explained the situation, made me realize, how an unforgiving nature of a man affects the loved ones who have already left this world.
According to the old man, years before his friend died, he did not sit well with the daughter. They may meet during family gathering but there was the chasm between them that there was practically zero communication.
He was a man who had not demonstrated his love for children by means of hugs and expressions of love such as I love you. For him, it was a symbol of weakness. He belonged to the old school where fathers were supposed to be few in words. Words that became unwritten laws that needed to be respected regardless if they were unfair and restrictive.
In the evening, I was excited to talk with my friend. I told him everything. He was quiet at first. I asked how was the visit to the healer.
The healer did not say anyting about the C. He talked more about FORGIVENESS too.
My friend confirmed to me everything in the dream. That was exactly what the healer wanted. Forgive.
Part three dream happened when I went to bed after the talk. I saw a room and a bed. The door opened and came a a shadow of an old man. I coaxed him to enter. He did. He went near the bed and lovingly looked at the figure lying there sick. He said I LOVE YOU and touched her.
A few days after, she died.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Help Me - A Message from a Lost Soul
My brain was still fuzzy and my eyes were not really open when I heard a wailing sound that early morning. Reluctantly, I got up from my bed and listened more intently. Nothing. Even with the pressure to finalize reports, I was still tuned in to the annoying working habits of my male co-worker,such as pounding the keyboard hard as if the force can make the font bolder as in the case of the old reliable typewriters; tapping the printer twice to make it start; and clucking his tongue to express dismay or disapproval. These are just but among the noises that became part of my everyday symphony in my previous workplace. That day,there was another kind of noise. Sobbing. The same sound thatI heard earlier at home.It was louder and I traced the noise to be coming from the corner of my desk. It was coming from a male. They usually come to me when I am half-sleep /half awake, twilight state. This is different. Hesitantly, I asked him, who he is. He wailed some more. He said, he's afraid. He said he he did not know where he is. It's dark. My officemate came in and the noise was gone. Auditors from HK were asking for some back ups. Geee. I came home and sat in the dark for some minute/s. My bulb that was supposed to light up when darkness sets in seemed busted. The crying started again, this time with a plea for help. I was"talking to him" when the phone rung. A friend told me the news. The son of their secretary/caretaker of the office died of unknown reason. He was found sprawled in the hotel patio where he was working as a bellhop. "Was his name...?" I asked. Yes. How did I know his name. The mother called me up. We see each other in the office or partiesut we were never really that close to know about each other's family. I could not blame her if she sounded she was doubting the story. The son intimated to me that before the incident they had a mother-son heart to hear talk about his plan for divorce. He told the mother that there was a third party, another woman. No one knew about this except her mother. The interment was Friday at 12 o clock, noon. I was in the office when I heard the sobs. He was describing to me what he felt. Sadness and fear. In the evening, I was watching the TV when he made his presence felt. He said that his family was praying for his soul and he thought he needed to say something that can get him out of that limbo. I called up the mother. She did not take the phone. They were praying for the repose of the departed son. I left a message to call me when they are finished. I was about to go to bed when the phone rung. It was the mother. She asked me if I have a message from his son. The message was to invoke the assistance of a a guide to help him from that "darkness"he was in. He was too scared to move.She asked if he said something about the cause of his death. I said he refused to talk about it. The third day of the prayer, I was visited again by the young man's spirit. He said he was moving on. He thanked me for listening. I asked him before he finally said goodye why did he chose to comunicate with me. At that time, he was frantic, he just sobbed and hoped that somebody would hear. I heard him.
Friday, May 16, 2008
PALMISTRY-Guhit ng Palad
Palmistry or chiromancy is the art of reading in the hand,the characteristics and the fortune of an individual.
The left hand indicates the character and the propensities while the right hand shows what the individual has made of them during his/her life.
For left handed person,it is the oppposite.
The figure below shows the lines of the palm.

The three major lines are the heart, head and the life.
Since I am left-handed, let's analyze my right palm as to my character .
Line of Heart
When the line of heart runs from the Mount of Saturn, (see diagram ) the subject is likely to be passionate, sensual and selfish.
When the line of heart starts from Saturn and is chained, the individual gives a contempt to the opposite sex.
A line of heart that starts between Jupiter and Saturn gives a balance between the idealistic love of Jupiter and the ardour of Saturn.
A person with no line of the heart or with a very short one lacks a capacity for deep affection.
When the line of heart is very close to the line of the head or there is a narrow space between the two lines, the head rules the heart completely giving a very cold nature.
Line of head
Ideally, the line of head should be clear and well-marked. There should be no breaks or islands between them.
If the line is weak or thin,a poor intellect or lack of continuity is shown.
Line of Life
The line of life that is long, narrow and deep indicates long life and good health.
If it starts from the Mt. of Jupiter, it signifies ambition at an early age.
When the lifeline is connected with the head line, the person is guided by reason and is inclined to be cautious in his or her personal affairs.
When there is a space between the line of head and the line of life it indicates that the person is energetic but if the space is very wide, it indicates that the person is too self-confident.
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