Friday, May 30, 2008


Telepathy ?

Last night, I watched THOUGHTCRIMES. The central figure of the story is a young lady who is endowed with ability to hear what other people think. Her role is that of a telepath. I refused to use the word mind reading as used in the movie because reading mind is not a psychic phenomenon. People who claim that they can read minds are called mentalists.Most of them are entertainers.

The story began when she was a state ward in a mental institution for three years, totally abandoned by her sibling,declared to be suffering from insanity by the attending doctors.

It was not clear to me how the NSA people got interested in her because of her psychic ability. Like most of the people who realized that they have the gift, her first impulse was to reject it. Without proper guidance, a person may not be able to use the special powers to good advantage. A doctor assumed that role of helping her harness her talent.

In this movie- made- for TV, the reluctant psychic was used by the NSA to track the mastermind of an organized crime syndicate that is involved in money laundering, terrorism, assassinations and other crimes that threaten the security of USA. Manila was mentioned in relation to terrorists’ training as well as money laundering activities of the syndicate.

Her role is to listen to the suspects being interrogated. Her mind operates like a lie detector test. She tells her partner if the suspect is telling a lie or not.At the end she tells him what the suspect is really thinking.


I hope there is really an individual who has that great ability so that terrorists can be annihilated before they sow terror, murderers and criminals could be locked up before they have another murderous rampage and crooked government officials and politicians would never get into public service.
It is not because I do not believe on telepathy because am convinced that I am a telepath myself. It was the way a telepath was presented as a super being that I was not comfortable with. Psychics may be special people but they are not supermen.
What is telepathy ?
"Telepathy"was coined in 1882 by Frederic Myers , a French physical researcher who founded the Society for Physical Research. The word is derived from the Greek terms tele ( "distant") and pathe ("occurrence" or "feeling").
This psychic phenomenon is a communication that occurs between minds that includes thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images.
Various theories have been advanced to describe the functioning of telepathy. To explain telepathy, the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus put forth the wave and corpuscle theories. In the 19 century, British chemist and physicist William Crookes, thought telepathy rode on radio- like brain waves while Soviet scientist L. L. Vasilies proposed the electromagnetic theory.
Psychologists and psychiatrists observed this phenomenon in their patients that they offered explanations for the extrasensory experience.
Sigmund Fraud termed it as regressive, primitive faculty that was lost in the course of evolution, but which still had the ability to manifest itself under certain conditions. Psychiatrist Carl G. Jung considered it a function of synchronicity.
Among the psychic phenomena,telepathy was the first to be studied scientifically by the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) which was founded in 1885.
It was a simple test of requiring a sender in one room to transmit a two-digit number, a taste, or a visual image to a receiver in another room.
As interest in telepathy increased, mass telepathic experiments were undertaken in the United States and Britain.
In 1971, a telepathic experiment was conducted during the Apollo 14 mission. The NASA denied that it was authorized. Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell conducted the experiment with four recipients on Earth, 150,000 miles below. Mitchell transmitted the sequences of twenty-five random numbers telepathically. With a goal of 40 correct responses out of 200 sequences, the 51 correct guesses were found to be significant to prove distance is not a barrier for telepathy. Personally, I agree with one writer that telepathy is a faculty that everyone may have deeply embedded within their minds. Some are capable of being good senders or good receivers especially between people who know each other or are emotionally close to each other.
Husbands and wives or good friends manage to communicate without words—spoken words.
Telepathy may be difficult to test but many have enough evidence to substantiate its existence.
For instance, you have a sudden thought of a friend and she suddenly thinks of you and gives you a call.
Sometines, the message is in a form of an image, emotions or ideas that could serve as a warning, a simple hello or goodbye.
My mother was a telepath. There were various incidences in our lives when she manifested this extrasensory power.
One morning, she was busy preparing breakfast when she suddenly directed her gaze at the main door. She gasped and called the name of my elder brother who was expected to come anytime.

With quivering voice, she said that she saw my brother standing,soaking wet and telling my mom that the ship sunk.

There was no one at the door. She said that it was just a vision. It hardly lasted for a minute. As always, my mother knelt and prayed for his safety.

Before we can make inquiries, my brother arrived, safe and sound. According to him, at the time my mother saw the vision, he was clinging for his life to a debris floating in the ocean and was thinking of how to communicate with us.
He was among those who were rescued without physical injury.

Some people may call it mother's hunch, while other may call it clairvoyance.
I still think it was telepathy because my brother sent the message and my mother received it.

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